I am waiting for the other shoe to drop. But so far, so good. I am definitely not able to accomplish what I did before, but things aren’t totally falling apart … yet. I know it will happen at some point, but for right now, I am going to share what we did on day ten of life with Baby Ray.
It was the last day of kindergarten for Noah, so Noah and I did a project together while Ray slept for an hour or so. We made a jar for Mrs. Brothers. I decorated the outside of the jar and Noah wrote things he liked about Mrs. Brothers on colorful strips of paper to put inside the jar. We added some licorice and a note from me too inside and that was it. I know there are a million adorable things to do for teacher gifts – ours was a little last minute, but straight from the heart Here’s the fruits of our labors:
As for Baby Ray, he took a bath. Hence, the combed hair picture at the top of this post. Pretty hilarious, right? It only took about 15 minutes before it dried completely and poofed out. While Noah was at school (it was a half day, so he really only attended for about an hour and a half) Liam and I gave Ray a bath. Ray had an eventful morning full of spitting up on the bouncer and his pack-n-play sheets, and several poopy diapers, so we decided it was time. Daniel gave Ray his first bath at home on Friday, when Ray’s umbilical cord fell off (and because Ray peed on his own face). So this bath wasn’t a first, just something we felt was needful after the events of the morning.
Christina told me to put something next to Ray in these pictures, to show his actual size. So I did. I put Liam next to him. Then I realized that was not helpful. Liam is a man-child. Very large for his age, with a large head (like his daddy). So it really makes Ray look tiny, which he is, but not THAT tiny … hmmmm, maybe I should put a dollar bill next to Ray or something more standard.
And thank you Aunt Aria for loaning us the cute newborn outfit. Ray doesn’t fit into anything 0-3 months yet, only newborn clothes right now. But he’s looking pretty stylish in his little plaid shorts and surf onesie
And that’s where we are on day ten. We did a project with Noah, bathed Ray, I made homemade lemonade, Noah and Liam are playing in the backyard with the pool out, I got dressed (but not showered), I put on makeup, I watered a portion of the front lawn (I am really grasping for straws here, aren’t I? … I need the validation of seeing a list of things I accomplished), I made eggs for breakfast, I washed the bouncer cover after Ray spit up on it, I have nursed Ray about 10 times already and changed about 9 diapers, I made the boys clean up the basement, I sent some pictures to Costco to be printed for Ray’s baby book and I blogged. huh. so there. day one without any help and I am “winning!” yeah.
You are doing terrific! Good job Franny!
He looks adorable in that outfit. I love Liam’s face, it looks so much like Daniel. But you are right, Liam is a man child, too big for a reference point. A dollar bill is a pretty good idea.
I loved the jar for Mrs . Brothers, she should love it.
I miss you all a lot!