Noah’s 7th Birthday

This year was supposed to be a small party. We’re trying to stick to the idea of doing big parties on certain years: 5, 8, 12, 16 & 18. So, we only invited the Ordaz boys and one of Noah’s friends from school, his best friend, Jason.

They played Noah’s Lego Star Wars computer game, R2-D2 Trouble and ate lunch. Noah requested hot dogs, apples and pears cut up and “Noah salad” (lettuce with homemade balsamic dressing). Then we opened presents and played! Noah had been saving up all of his birthday money he got from: Grandma & Grandpa, cousins in Santa Cruz, Gammie, mommy and daddy. He wanted to buy the Millennium Falcon and that’s what he got! He also got a few awesome Lego creations from the Ordaz boys, a movie (Madagascar 3) and he got to take a gift card from Gammie to Target and he picked out the Droid Escape Pod Lego set. It was a fun day!

In case you’re wondering …. those Lego bricks are candy … and the tall Lego bricks are candles. It’s amazing what kind of Lego stuff you can find when you’re looking for it :)

We celebrated Noah’s birthday on Saturday, December 8th, but we celebrated it again with cake and ice cream on Monday, December 10th too. He looks so big. I feel like there has been such a huge leap in his face, his manner, in the way he talks …. he just seems like a little grown up now. This is the first time that has made me a little bit sad. I’ve always loved seeing my boys grow and develop and get more independent … until now. He is so smart and does so much on his own. He walks to the back of school for me to pick him up. He as his whole day away from me and tells me things he does at school and who he likes and hangs out with …. sigh. He’s big. Time to face it – I need to make the most of the next 11 years, because my heart already aches thinking about sending him away on his mission and one day giving him to someone else. For now, he is mine. My sweet Noah. And I love him. Happy Birthday big seven year old!

cookies & santa letters

I never posted these, but we actually had a fun early part of December, before things got closer to Christmas and insane. But for a week it was quite nice. The boys and I made gingerbread cookies, then decorated them. See if you can tell which cookies are mine and which belong to the boys :) I also had to post the boys’ letters to Santa. Always a hit.

translation: Dear Santa, I want a Lego Captain Rex and Cad Bane.

translation:  To Santa, I want to get the big Deathstar that is made of like 1000 legos and the Y-Wing that you can fit a Lego guy inside and Captain Rex! Lego List! Love, Noah.

One more tack-on for December – I was in charge of making the Christmas cupcakes for Noah’s class at school. I found this idea on Pinterest, I think. They are red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese cupcakes and coconut flakes, with a peppermint “north pole” stick. Yeah for December 2012!

facts & resolutions

I know, I know, I haven’t posted pictures with the last few entries and that’s no fun. But Ray has completely commendeered the office and our desktop has all of our pictures on it. Anyway, I have some things to write, so I will. And maybe tomorrow I will find time to get into the office and show some Christmas vacation pictures.

I have spent a long time not knowing much about myself. For instance, I still try relish on my hot dog just because Daniel does and I always think, “maybe I like relish” …. but I never do. I am 32 years old now, have three children and have been married for ten years. This New Year’s I have a few things that I have figured out are facts about me and they lead to a few resolutions as well. Here we go:

FACT – I am over 30, I HAVE to work out at least a few times a week. My knees are bad, I still have baby fat on me and I just generally feel better when I workout (even though I hate it).

FACT – I am not a runner.

FACT – I don’t know my limits, so I usually agree to much more than I can handle. I always think it will be simple, no big deal, I can fit that in. sure. nope. Wake up, I have three kids and nothing is easy anymore.

RESOLUTION – I will say “no” to more things this year.

FACT – Donuts are never the answer. They are yummy. They are tempting. They are my kryptonite. But they will NOT make me feel better.

FACT – I feel better when I take care of myself (i.e. shower, put on makeup, blow dry my hair and eat breakfast).

FACT – I feel better when my house is clean and my bed is made.

RESOLUTION – The only needful things that must get done before noon are: get kids to school, take care of myself, workout and clean up. Avoid answering the phone if need be, but only do needful things before noon. After noon – ruin your life doing whatever you want, but before noon – take care of business.

FACT – I need to go out on a date with Daniel twice a month. Things get a little crazy if I don’t.

RESOLUTION – Date Daniel more often.

FACT – Mom and Dad were right about a lot of stuff (that’s hard to admit). When in doubt, call and ask them for advice.

FACT – I am not good with money. I should never carry cash around. For some reason it disappears. Everytime. Do not take cash out.

FACT – I love almost everything in Anthropologie. It’s always safe to buy something there. I will love it.

FACT – I will never “acclimate” to 20 degree weather (or lower). It’s never going to happen. I will always walk out the front door, with all my warm clothing on and it will still sting my face and make me want to curse outloud. I realized something similar to this about 10 years ago – I will never get used to waking up at 3:30 in the morning (I used to be an early morning custodian at BYU). I was right about that realization and know that even now … after 3 babies, it is still true. You never get used to waking up at 3:30 am, not matter how many times you do it. Same thing with the weather – doesn’t matter how many years you are subjected to awful weather – you will never get used to it and you will always want to move to CA. Just a fact about myself.

RESOLUTION – Leave this God forsaken state of Michigan. If only for the weather situation. There is absolutely no reason why I should continue to suffer through these terribly frigid, overcast and sad winters or the humid, nasty summers. No reason for this. I resolve to get out.

FACT – I cannot watch sad movies. ever. I cannot handle them. No matter how much they might touch my soul or teach me about something or might have amazing actors … I cannot handle them. Sad movies will haunt me and bring me down for weeks, possibly a month afterwards. I will cry and I hate to cry. No matter who tries to persuade you, do not see a sad movie. You will regret it. Everytime.

FACT – I hate eating chicken warmed up in the microwave …. or on the second day at all. Can’t do it. I hate it. I always think it will save money and be smart to eat the leftovers …. and that’s true, as long as they are not chicken. I will hate it.

FACT – Daniel knows all of this about you and knows you better than you know yourself. If for some reason you are confused and wondering if you like or dislike something – ask him. Daniel knows. He will also give it to you straight. That’s why you love him so much.

FACT – You will never find anyone as perfect for you as Daniel cakes. He is it. Good for you for finding him. How did you ever have your wits about you enough to marry him? Amazing. Good for you.

FACT – I love my kids. No matter what they do or how mad you are, you love them. They are everything to you and you’d be lost without any one of them. No matter what. Really.

RESOLUTION – Tell Daniel, Noah, Liam and Ray you love them more. Everyday. Several times a day. Sometimes I feel like I need to be more strict with my kids, or punish them more and then they’d be more obedient. But that is wrong. The boys always respond better to love. When in doubt, stop and show love instead of sterness.

FACT – Blogging/journaling is good for me. I love it and it’s therapuetic.

RESOLUTION – Turn all of my blogging into books. Organize them and print them out using blurb.

Alright. That’s what I’ve learned so far. If I think of more, I’ll write it down. Here’s to a good New Year. Go 2013!


Christmas 2012

So, I sent out a bunch of Christmas cards … probably still have a lot to send still, but I realized that our blog address is on the card and the last entry I had up was, uh … well, not really a fun, Christmas post. Or even informational about our family. So I am going to remedy that right now and give a run down on us this Christmas season.

Ray – is beautiful. He has insane hair – he rubbed off the sides, so they’re nice and short, but the top of his head is full and luscious and so he basically has a Mohawk. He sleeps through the night for 12 solid hours and has been doing that since he was about 2 months old. By the way, he’s 6 months old. He smiles a lot and likes pears but not carrots. He definitely has favorites – and I’m it. He loves mommy more than anyone … probably because I’m the one with the food, but I’ll take it! He rolls over and over, whips his head around everywhere and likes to face out while he’s being held. He seems very interested in the world around him. He reminds me of Noah when he was a baby. Ray loves his Ergo Baby carrier and grabs at anything near him. He has also become attached to toys in his hands …. or anything in his hands and if you try to take it away, he cries. These are all good signs of development … at least that’s what the books say. He looks at people and smiles. He has an awesome smile. Very big and wide, we call it his “muppet smile”.

Liam – is beautiful. He’s 4 and a half years old. He has a sensitive soul and that is good and bad. He is our snuggler, our little love and our crier. When he’s happy he is wonderful, when he’s sad, he makes everyone around him pay. He LOVES his preschool. He’s always telling us about “Mrs. Yess-wer and Mrs. W-uh-g” (Mrs. Yessler and Mrs. Lerg) and the fun things they do. His favorite thing to do at preschool is go into the gym and do “gw-oh-s mo-tuh” (gross motor). He has a best friend in preschool too – his name is “Woo-cus” (Lucas). Liam loves Star Wars, specifically Captain Rex (he is a clone guy). And Legos. Oh man, Legos. Liam loves to play outside and pretend. He is always having some little conversation while we’re in the car or at the lunch table and sometimes I try to respond or jump in on his conversation and he stops me and says, “mommy, I wasn’t talking to you”. He has a rich imagination. His favorite sandwich is peanut butter. He LOVES his older brother Noah. He wants to do everything that Noah does and several times a day, usually starting at 10 am, he starts asking me, “when are we going to pick up Noah” (from school). Noah goes to a full day of school because he is in first grade and doesn’t get out until 4 pm …. Liam loves to play with Noah, so some days are very long days of asking “when are we going to pick up Noah?” Liam is a love.

Noah – is beautiful. He’s 7 years old. He is my mover and shaker, always has been and I think always will be – this is good and bad. He is a productive little soul, but man, I don’t think he ever stops moving and that can be dangerous – for himself and anyone within 6 feet of his flailing legs, arms and spinning body. I find myself saying things like, “enough kissing, stop that” or “walk like a normal person please” or “hold still, I can’t talk to you while you’re walking in circles!”. He is what my sister describes as “unreasonably happy”. He is positive and happy and it is not uncommon to see him leap through the air and kick up his heels in joy and excitement. He has many talents. He was listing them off to me the other day – he likes to draw, run really fast, do math and eat salad. He is also a spiritual little soul. Just last week he told me, “huh! I just had my second time feeling Jesus help me!” He receives answers to his prayers and loves his Sunday school class. He started piano lessons (at his request) this year and does very well. His first recital is on Thursday and we can’t wait.

Francesca – is an insane mommy with three kids. I am 32 years old. Three kids has really kicked my bum. Not gonna lie. I may have reached my limit. But they are such beautiful little souls, they make me smile everyday, for different reasons. I can’t imagine my life without any one of them now. My greatest feat this year was carrying, having and keeping alive little Ray. He takes up a majority of my time and energies. I also work with the 10 and 11 year old girls at church and we do activity days on Wednesday nights and I love that. Crafts and treats … right up my alley :) Also, this year Daniel and I celebrated our ten year anniversary – can you believe it? Seems weird to have been married that long, because he is still an exciting mystery to me! That Daniel Cakes :) To celebrate, we went to Cancun in April, while I was 7 months pregnant before life got crazy with a little baby. It was amazing. So relaxing, so beautiful, so much fun to have Daniel to myself. It was a dream. We refer to it often when we’re stressed out, “remember Cancun? ahhhhhh, yes. Cancun”. I feel about ready to take another Cancun trip.

Daniel – is beautiful. He’s 33 years old. He continues to work at Ford and likes what he does and he is good at it too. This year I think  the two highlights were Cancun in April with me and his week long backpacking trip to the Upper Peninsula, Isle Royale, MI with his brothers. They affectionately refer to these manly trips as “brothers gone wild”. It’s super cute. They started the trip gathering at our house and doing “pack check”. That was my favorite part. Watching the brothers interact. Eric making comments about how lightweight or how NOT lightweight everything was. Ian singing during the whole thing. Daniel and Jonathan making executive decisions quietly in the corner. The whole scene was magnificent.

This year we felt so blessed. We got to see the Damiano family at Thanksgiving and we got to see the Forsyths in August and we get to again at Christmas. We are rich in loving family and friends. We are blessed to have the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives. To understand the meaning of Christ coming to earth and what opportunity that gives us to spend eternity with our families. We are happy. Our boys are happy and good. We are well. We hope that this continues and that this next year brings more of the same. Merry Christmas.